
14TH & 15TH SEPTEMBER 2024


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Article n°1

Licence required.

Article 2

No shoulder restrictions during competition.

Article 3

Only ammunition weighing 28g or less is authorised.
Lead from 7 to 9.
In the event of cheating, the shooter will be eliminated from the competition.

Article 4

The top 3 overall finishers in the grand prix will qualify for the super final, as will 2 people drawn at random.

Article 5

SUPER FINAL: The points for the super final will be added to the grand prix score.
The 2 people drawn at random for the super final can win this final.

Article 6

In the event of a tie before the Super Final, we will establish the rule for the return to the pits via stand 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 09, 08, 07, 06, 05, 04, 03, 02, 01.

Article 7

Super Final prizes cannot be combined with group prizes.

Article 8

The Super Final will be based on 2 double positions of 5 points each (20 points in total).

Article 9

Attendance is essential for tombolas. If you are absent, the lost prize will not be put back into play.

Article 10

Respect the referees.

Article 11

Votre score doit être signé sur chaque stand. Aucune contestation ne sera possible.

Article 12

If there are fewer than 25 shooters in 1 group, the 1st prize in that group will be withdrawn. The 1st prize will become 1000€.

If there are fewer than 150 shooters in the competition, the prizes for the Super Final will become :
3000€, 2000€, 1500€, 1000€ and 1000€.

S’il y a moins 160 tireurs à la compétition, les dotations de la Super Finale deviendront :
3300€, 2300€, 1800€, 1300€ and 1000€

S’il y a moins de 170 tireurs à la compétition, les dotations de la Super Finale deviendront :
3500€, 2500€, 2000€, 1500€ and 1200€

Above 170 shooters, the Super Final is valid. The prizes will be :
4000€, 3000€, 2500€, 1500€ and 1500€

Article 13

The Super Sporting tombola is reserved for non-prizewinners only.
For the Pull Shoot tombola, only the 1st place winner will be excluded from the tombola.

Article 14

Vous avez le droit de sourire :D même quand vous loupez un plateau.