Legal information

Conformément aux dispositions des Articles 6-III et 19 de la Loi n°2004-575 du 21 juin 2004 pour la confiance dans l’économie numérique, dite L.C.E.N., il est porté à la connaissance des utilisateurs et visiteurs du site “”  les présentes Mentions Légales.

The site is accessible at the following address: Access to and use of the website are subject to the present "Legal Notice" detailed below as well as to the applicable laws and/or regulations.

Connection, use and access to this site imply full and unreserved acceptance by the User of all the provisions of this Legal Notice.

Article 1 - Legal information
Pursuant to Article 6 of Law No. 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 on confidence in the digital economy, the identity of the various parties involved in its implementation and monitoring is specified in this article.

The Site is published by :
Having its registered office at the following address: 20 Rue de Selles 59400 CAMBRAI, and registered with the following number: SIRET 807 975 966 00035
Phone: 03 27 79 49 09
Hereinafter "the Publisher"

The Director of Publication is: Mr Laurent BEDET
Contact e-mail address :
Hereinafter "the Publishing Director"

The Site is hosted by :
Whose headquarters are located at the following address
Avenue de la Praille 26 1227 CAROUGE
Phone: +41 228203544
E-mail address:
Hereinafter "the Host"

Users are all those who browse, read, view and use the site,
Hereinafter the "Users".

Article 2 - Accessibility
The Site is in principle accessible to users 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except in the event of interruption, whether scheduled or not, for maintenance purposes or in cases of force majeure.
In the event that access to the Site is not possible, the Site undertakes to do its utmost to restore access. The Site shall not be held responsible for any damage, of whatever nature, resulting from its unavailability.

Article 3 - Data collection and the Data Protection Act libertés
This Site complies with the provisions of Law 78-17 of 6 January 1978 relating to information technology, files and freedoms. Under this law, the User has the right to oppose (art. 32 and 38), access (art. 38 and 39) and rectify (art. 40) data concerning him/her.
To make use of this right, the User must contact the Publisher at the following address, or by post to the Publisher's registered office, stating the surname, first name(s), address and e-mail address(es).

Article 4 - Cookie policy
The Site may use "cookie" techniques to process statistics and traffic information, to facilitate navigation and to improve the service for the User's convenience.
In accordance with European legislation, the Site has updated its privacy policy with regard to cookies. The User is free to accept or reject cookies from all websites by modifying the settings of his or her internet browser.

Article 5 - Applicable law and jurisdiction
This Legal Notice is governed by French law and any dispute or difference that may arise between the parties in connection with the use, publication or statements made on the site shall be brought before the French courts in accordance with the rules of jurisdiction in

Article 6 - Intellectual property rights
The Site constitutes a work of which the Editor is the author within the meaning of Articles L111.1 et seq. of the Intellectual Property Code.
It is reminded that the photographs on the Site are considered to be intellectual works that are protected by copyright. Any unauthorised use of any of the photographs constitutes an act of counterfeiting as
article L335-3 of the Intellectual Property Code.

In general, the data, programmes, texts, information, logos, visual identity, images, whether animated or not, and their layout appearing on the Site are the property of the Publisher and are protected as such by the provisions of the French Intellectual Property Code.
intellectual property.

Each User undertakes not to use them and not to allow anyone to use these contents for illegal purposes.

Any representation or reproduction, total or partial, permanent or temporary, on a computer and/or paper medium, and by any means whatsoever (in particular by framing*), of any of the elements of the Site or the services offered for sale, without
The reproduction of any part of this website without the prior and express consent of the Publisher is prohibited and constitutes an act of counterfeiting, which may result in civil and/or criminal penalties. Only hard copy printing is authorised for the purposes of private copying for the exclusive use of the copyist within the meaning of Article L122-5 2°.
of the Intellectual Property Code.

*The act of capturing the content of pages on a website and transferring it to one's own website via a hypertext link, making the content appear to be one's own.
Reproduction and distribution are prohibited. In the event that permission to reproduce and/or distribute is exceptionally granted by prior written agreement, the following mention must be made: COPYRIGHT © 2022.

Article 7 - Social networks
The Site allows you to share on the social network (Facebook) most of the articles posted online. To share an article, you must click on a "Share" button or an icon representing the social network and preceded by the words "Share on". Clicking on this type of button takes you to the selected social network and invites you, if you are not already connected to this network, to log in (with your login and password) or to register.
The Publisher is not responsible for the actions carried out by the User on the social network site. In case of doubt, problem, complaint or question, the User should contact the social network.
During this connection to the social network, the server hosting the social network's website may place cookies on the visitor's computer containing the visitor's ID and other information that the social network may use during future connections.
The information collected on the User by the social network following his/her connection, in particular the pages he/she has visited on the Site or on other sites containing sharing buttons, may be used by the social network in order to collect information
This information is not accessible by the Publisher, but is used for statistical purposes, to publish targeted advertising on the User's computer, etc.  This information is not accessible by the Publisher.
For more information, please refer to the Terms of Use of the social network, in particular the rules concerning privacy. The Publisher does not have access to the information exchanged with the social network and is not responsible for the interactions between our site and the social network, in particular for any content added by the User on the social network.
The User shall not post any comments that may be detrimental to the Social Network or the Publisher (see our Terms of Use and the Social Network Terms of Use).

Article 8 - Contact
To report illegal content or activities, the User may contact the Publisher at the following address:, or by registered mail with acknowledgement of receipt addressed to the Publisher at the address specified in this Legal Notice.